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What Students Think
What are the best things about West Coventry Academy Sixth Form?
- “The support from all the staff”
- “The wide range of subjects, the teachers and the people”
- “The support system from all teachers and the opportunities we received (especially Garda!)”
- “The sense of togetherness”
- “The staff are always there for you and very approachable”
- “My tutor and the relationships I’ve formed with teachers who really understand me and my needs”
- “It is a place that has guided me through 2 difficult years – more like a home than a sixth form”
- “A caring and supportive school, with friendly and approachable staff”
- “Everyone is made to feel welcome and is supported”
- “It’s a positive and supportive environment”
- “Positive, beneficial, useful and helpful for making my way to university and the world of work…can I stay longer?!!”
- “Sense of community – how close the relationship between staff and students are”
- “Memories to last a life time, will miss it so much I’ll probably come back!”
- “Best decision to move there!” (external student)
- “Genuinely caring & student orientated”
- “It has been an amazing journey!”