
Students are expected to dress in a manner that identifies West Coventry Academy Sixth Form as a place of work and that encourages younger students at all of our schools to perceive Sixth Form students as role models.
Dress for Success has been designed in collaboration with students to reflect the fact that our students have ambitions for professional careers whilst accommodating the increased freedom expected from students who have elected to stay within a school environment.
All Students
- You will be issued with an ID badge, which must be clearly displayed whenever a student is on any of the West Coventry Academy sites. Failure to do so may result in refused entry.
- Outdoor coats should be removed inside the building. Lockers are available for students. See our Lockers page for more information.
- Tattoos, piercings and hair colours should be in line with professional levels of appearance. WCASF reserves the right to request the removal, covering or alteration of any that are considered unprofessional.
- No liability will be accepted by WCASF for the loss or damage of any jewellery brought onto any school site.
- Failure to adhere to the correct standards of dress will result in sanctions, possibly including students being sent home to change.
- Formal trousers in a plain colour. No leggings, shorts or denim.
- Plain or lightly patterned, collared shirt, tucked into trousers. Ties are optional. No polo shirts or T-shirts.
- Plain or lightly patterned V-neck or crew neck jumper, cardigan or waistcoat. No hooded tops.
- Dark, formal shoes or boots. No trainers, canvas shoes or flip-flops.
- Straight-cut / tailored trousers in a plain or lightly patterned fabric. No leggings, shorts or denim.
- Knee length skirt or dress in a plain or lightly patterned fabric.
- Business-style blouse, shirt or top. No low-cut or strappy tops.
- Plain or lightly patterned cardigan, jumper, waistcoat or jacket. No hooded tops.
- Plain tights.
- Dark, formal shoes or boots. No trainers, canvas shoes or flip-flops.