Welcome to West Coventry Academy Library!

Library Instructions with Audio (PowerPoint)
Library Instructions (PDF)
Library Website Link
The library is located on the ground floor, and is considered to be a bustling hub of activity. A bright and vibrant space, students are encouraged to visit the library daily to make use of the facilities. The library is staffed by our wonderful librarian, both possessing a wide knowledge of children’s and young adult literature, dedicated to match books to students to encourage reluctant readers and to sustain positive reading habits.
The library has been developed to increase reading for pleasure and provide opportunities for reading, with the emphasis on the value of sustained reading, both as a life skill and as a proven and recognised route to greater academic achievement. Equally, there is also an emphasis on the benefits of reading by improving literacy skills, reading confidence and by way of discovery: traveling to new destinations, building empathy as well as other social skills and to unleash imagination.
Students can visit from 8am to meet friends, complete homework, select books and use a space purposely designed to have a positive impact on students before the school day starts. Students can use the facilities during lesson time with subjects and for developing information literacy skills. Break and lunchtime provision allows students to take part in activities, play games, read books or private study. The well-stocked resources ensure students have the freedom to read a variety of materials to develop vital reading skills. The library is open until 4pm to provide a homework club for younger students and exam revision for older students.